Saturday, May 27, 2023

Pain: Physical/Mental?

 I am a total wuss for pain. This probably contributed to the fact that I am generally very risk-averse, and have reached the ripe old age of 50 without ever having broken a bone or otherwise gotten in any serious accidents. I have very little desire to skydive, or bungee jump, and until very recently, considered very dangerous things like motorcycles to be a non-starter. And this may also be why despite my years of "threatening" to get a tattoo, I have still yet to pull the trigger (although I do feel much closer now than I ever have before in my life)

What about mental pain? I have been lucky enough to not lose any loved ones. I had a close friend die in Korea, but this was after I had left Korea and so it did not really seem real. I also had a friend die at the Brooklyn church, but I cannot honestly say that he was a very close friend of mine. I liked him a lot and we were just in the early stages of a friendship. So all in all, I have again been mostly spared from the mental pain of losing loved ones.

Are there other sources of mental pain? Surely. There are always sources of pain stemming from relationships. Having children also opens up the parents to potentially very acute pain as well. Pain/stress of this type affects the body, and as it should: the body and mind are one and the same. When the body dies, you are dead. And when your brain/heart is in pain, the body reacts. This may present as indigestion. This may be a loss of appetite. This last one is truly rare for me, as I have always had a need to eat at very punctual and regular intervals. But lately, this is one manifestation, believe it or not.  Are there others? Loss of sexual drive? Motivation or ambition? Perhaps.

I can only take solace in the slow painful passage of time, and that in due course, the acute pain I feel will be resolved and I will feel as sunny as this beautiful summer day in New Jersey.

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